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2008-03-12 DE – Essen - Turock

Yes, this tour was kinda star-crossed from the outset, at least its planning… And actually it wasn’t meant to take place. Non-actually and despite all rumors spread, all of three bands were attendant and full of beans on this 5th day of the Dark Essence Allegiance Tour ;) Ok, the bands went through some stressy times since they not only had problems on the ferries, but also with the storm Kirsten sweeping over the land plus some additional discomfort due to striking employees here and there. Could also have been the reason for the meagerly attending audience. I’d say, not even 100 fans, what means, there was lotsa room left at Turock

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However, with a curfew at 11pm bands were required to kick off on time. And so :: VULTURE INDUSTRIES :: did. Opening this evening with Pills Of Conformity in front of a handful of people, these crazy Norwegians even pulled a crazier stunt ;) Bjørnar Erevik Nilsen’s singing was quite overamplified in the beginning, turning out into overdone screams. But corrected right after the guys started to paint the town red with songs from their debut record Dystopia Journals. Originally released in September 2007 with fans and media slow on the uptake this record just right now makes its impact. If you need a reference: comparisons with Arcturus, Manos and crazy extremists Atrox - all Norwegian by the way - aren’t farfetched ;) Regarding their live performance I missed the classic music parts and its instruments you have underlaid on the record. Ok, instead one got the brutal side of music to taste ;) Much enwrapped in smog bare-footed axe-man and additionally wildly disheveled singer gave their best in giving poses and pulling faces. Really funny I tell you ;) Singer Bjørnar fell onto stage, rolling around almost breathless and jokingly apologized with his “age” and that he probably needs to stop smoking *g*
What I picked up on a solid show of a promising band, but I was distracted watching my cam indulging in uninspired errors 99, not taking any pic *grrrr*
Damn it! Want to see these guys again! As fast as possible! So!

Short break and it seems with :: HELHEIM :: taking upon stage my tool regenerated, of what ever, and halfway worked reliable. More Norwegians, more smoke. With their sixth record entitled Kaoskult up their sleeves (set to be release in April) fans got to taste the first brand new songs. Crowd seemingly didn’t appreciate and acted still quite lame, not showing any response on singer’s V'gandr questions and announcements. The dudes took it with dry wit and - in best mood – they started getting hammered, while their Viking tunes thundered through the Turock with the gents wildly headbanging and posing in their chain mails ;) Great scenery! Vulture Industries’ singer joined in to top the party on stage. Ah yeah, that was bloody fun! More of that pleazzzzze

Death’s Devoted Instrument Since 1994. Yes, :: DARK FORTRESS :: latterly present themselves with a new singer names Morean, actually “borrowed” from Noneuclid, where V.Santura (git) and Seraph (drums) have their second musical home. V.Santura also used to play with Celtic Frost as live guitarist, what great reference ;)
While changing the backline DARK FORTRESS already appeared in full corpse-paint, making the photographers very happy, because with these two lights on, a great scenery was offered ;) By the way… photographers were superior in number, percentaged ;)
With a darkly lighted huge backdrop behind the Bavarian gents kicked off with No Longer Human taken from the just released album Eidolon. For over one and a half hour DARK FORTRESS played their hearts off the body and not only offered much convincing new material but also a visually well-staged show performance. Generally, DARK FORTRESS have much evolved and developed. Touring with bands such as Satyricon and working with the likes of Celtic Frost has definitely left its impact on this band and pays off now. Times of dull old school black metal are over (ok, they never did it this way, just to point out), instead they surprise with cleverly arranged song structures, twisted turns and breaks. It is still black metal, that’s for sure, pitch black and harsh, dense, intensive, yet influenced by other styles, with a slight Rock’n’Roll attitude and unusual melody-lines. It’s downright amazing what has become of them ;) Notice: Eidolon is a must-have! They of course also played classics from Séance and Stabwounds and the show was a full success with some fans appearing, but I’d say the new songs went down a bit better coz of its power and groove. By the way, there was no keyboarder around… Great show guys!
Setlist: No Longer Human, Self Mutilation, Poltergeist, Baphomet, The Unflesh, Edge Of Night, Catawomb, To Harvest The Artefacts Of Mockery, Antiversum, The Silver Gate, Like A Somnambulist In Daylight’s Fire // When 1000 Crypts Awake, Cohorror

Fortunately DARK FORTRESS utilized their entire time-frame. With the last tones of the second encore Cohorror fading the clock stroke 11 and the Turock quickly drained. Good for me too, since I had to be up at 4.30am again, I didn’t get stuck talking rubbish ;)


story & pics © Dajana